Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Religious Education, UU And You!

Currently accepting student registrations for the new church year, the Religious Education (RE) program of Foxborough Universalist Church begins on September 16. In addition to toddler activities, there are four groups for students in Pre-K through 8th grade. If you or your child is interested in participating in our Religious Education Classes, please contact Lisa Benoit, Director of Religious Education (DRE), at re@uufoxborough.org or 508-543-4002.

Our congregation believes that religion is not something to be given to a child, but something that grows out of direct experiences. Through our religious education classes, children (and adults) are exposed to a wide variety of thoughts and beliefs from many world religions to assist them in developing their own religious philosophy. We also believe that religious education is not achieved during one hour on Sundays but is a continuous process influenced by parents, peers, and community members.

Guided by the “Rainbow Path Principles” (the 7 Unitarian Universalist Principles adapted to the colors of a rainbow), the RE program strives for a broad understanding of our own and other faiths from around the world and focuses on building a respectful, compassionate, spiritual community. These goals are accomplished by using classroom curricula developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association of congregations, supplemented with a series of activities, service projects, and intergenerational services for all ages.

During the year, students will be engaged in age appropriate learning of values issues and character building experiences such as: imaginative activities and rituals; exploring peace and fairness; and character traits like caring, citizenship, cooperation, courage, fairness, honesty, respect, integrity, and responsibility - qualities that help them on their path to growing into capable, moral teens and adults. New this year is our youth group which will focus on issues important to the participants and they will participate in the democratic process by choosing, planning, and performing at least one community service project. In addition to the Sunday school classes for all age groups, special events and trips are planned throughout the year to further enrich the program, enhance program goals, and provide additional opportunities for bonding and building relationships with fellow students. Our community welcomes all who are interested.

To find out more about our classes and curriculum, please visit our website at http://www.uufoxborough.org, contact the DRE, or attend a class or worship service at the Foxborough Universalist Church (6 Bird Street) anytime during the church year. All are welcome!

Upcoming Happenings

August 28: Board Of Trustees Meeting (7:00 PM)
September 5: Men’s Group Meeting (7:30 PM)
September 6: First Thursdays Peace Vigil (6:00 PM - 7:00 PM)
September 9: Ingathering & Water Ceremony (10:00 AM)
September 10: Belly Dance Classes (7:00 PM)
September 11: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Classes (7:00 PM)
September 16: First Religious Education Classes Of The New Church Year (10:00 AM)