Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October Events

  • Oct. 1: Men's Group meeting
  • Oct. 2: First Thursdays Peace Vigil
  • Oct. 5: Choir Practice
  • Oct. 5: Eat, Drink, Be Holy
  • Oct. 5: Worship Associates meeting
  • Oct. 6: Women's Group meeting
  • oCT. 12: Choir Practice
  • Oct. 12: Lay-led service
  • Oct. 17: RE Party Night!
  • Oct. 19: Choir Practice
  • Oct. 19: TBA
  • Oct. 19: Board of Trustees meeting
  • Oct. 26: TBA

Minister's Message

Dear Friends,

As I reflect on my first month at Foxborough Universalist Church, I keep coming back to the word "generosity". The church is teaming with people assuming the best, finding a way to get things done, and filling in little gaps. I can't count the number of times I personally have been asked if I need anything more to feel at home at the church or on the east coast. This spirit is inviting to abundance, and it is very clear to me why the church feels like such a thriving and vital community. People are genuinely caring for each other, caring for the church, and caring about the world. It's a powerful energy to be a part of.

As the year progresses, life will inevitably become more complicated; it always does. Standing here at the headwaters though, I am grateful that this congregation's foundation is one of generosity, as I know it will allow us to begin again and again in love. May we, in these uncertain times, continue to find ways to return to a grateful heart and a spirit of plenty.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Some Upcoming Events

  • Sept. 3 - Men's Group Meeting
  • Sept. 4 - First Thursdays Peace Vigil
  • Sept. 7 - Annual Ingathering & Water Ceremony
  • Sept. 14 - The Art Of Being There
  • Sept. 21 - Leave A Little Light In The Window
  • Sept. 21 - Board Of Trustees Meeting
  • Sept. 28 - TBA
  • Oct. 1 - Men's Group Meeting
  • Oct. 2 - First Thursdays Peace Vigil

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back!! This is the 170th year for the Foxborough Universalist Church, and we are looking forward to a very exciting year. I urge you to come meet our new minister, Katie Lawson, who will bring a whole new perspective to us. We will be finishing the last step in the Welcoming Congregation series, as well as many other activities.

Many many thanks to all of you who worked on, in, and around the church during the summer. Things look great, and your efforts are much appreciated. It takes a lot to keep an old building in shape. Thank You!!!


"The Merging of Waters"

"The Merging of Waters"

Katie Lawson, minister at Foxborough Universalist Church

I spent yesterday properly: on the tip of Cape Cod alternately floating on gentle waves and sunning on the beach like a contented sea lion. Having arrived only last week from Minnesota to begin a ministry at Foxborough Universalist Church and lying there on the edge of the Atlantic, I felt like a drop of water that had made it to the sea. Beginning this ministry I am quite aware of what is unknown - about the Church, about the community, about what joys and challenges are ahead of all of us - but I draw strength from the certainty that I will tumble into companionable waters.

Unitarian Universalist congregations begin each church year with a service dedicated to "The Merging of Waters". That Sunday, each family or individual brings forward water collected from their respective summers - from ponds, from oceans, from hoses out back, from hospital rooms. These waters, variously fresh, salty, polluted, and chlorinated, are poured into a single tureen and blessed. Each year, therefore, we begin with this simple reminder that our lives are continually running into and through each other - that we are all drops in a mighty ocean.

Being a part of the same great body presents us with challenges (my toxins inevitably pollute your water), but it also has the power to ease suffering and transform the world.

The love that holds us in common is a balm, and if we can hold together, stay in conversation, and return to love, we can heal the world. The motion of water, after all, changes the obstacles it encounters. Water working in rivulets, rivers, and thundering waves polish rough stone and round sharp corners while also supporting life.

As we look toward the Democratic and Republican conventions next week, we may find we have to meditate or pray on the truth of our interdependence frequently. The nature of politics can cloud this focus by emphasizing differences over commonalities, and it can become difficult to remember and accept that we are bound to one another. My hope is that in the weeks ahead, we each find ways to remind ourselves to live out of love so that we can continue to soften the hard edges of this world. I invite you to come and participate in the Merging of the Waters at Foxborough Universalist (9/7/08) and look forward to meeting you.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Second Phase Begins & Events

During the second phase of the Foxborough Universalist Church's efforts to become a Unitarian Universalist Association "Welcoming Congregation", Jenn Mason will lead participants in an interactive workshop about stereotypes.

Many times discrimination is subtle and people are unaware that they are doing it. One of our goals is to help increase awareness and reduce discrimination in the church and our communities. Participants in the hour-long workshop beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 13, will explore the stages of understanding, learning goals, the process, participation guidelines, and some of the psychology behind stereotypes. We'll also discuss our assumptions concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people and talk of our fears and gains that we hope to make through the Welcoming Congregation process.

The Foxborough Universalist Church, a Unitarian Universalist congregation, is located at 6 Bird Street (on the common/Route 140); directions and additional information about the church, UUA, and "The Welcoming Congregation" can be found on-line via

Some Upcoming Events

  • December 2 - SPIRITUALITY IN WHAT?!
  • December 2 - Hanging Of The Greens
  • December 2 - Trustees Meeting (7:00 PM - ???)
  • December 6 - First Thursdays Peace Vigil (6:00 - 7:00 p.m.) - 1st Anniversary.
  • December 9 - Hanukkah Lights
  • December 16 - The Mystery of Christmas Past
  • December 23 - Winter Solstice Play
  • December 24 - Christmas Eve Worship Service at 5:30 p.m.
  • December 30 - Poetry Sunday
  • January 2 - Men's Group Meeting at Stoneforge (7:30 PM) Newcomers are welcome!
  • January 3 - First Thursdays Peace Vigil (6:00 - 7:00 p.m.) Everyone is invited!
  • January 6 - Sufi Spirituality
  • January 6 - UU 101 (following Worship Service)
  • January 10 - Women's Group Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
  • January 13 - The Welcoming Congregation
  • January 20 - Remembering Dr. King
  • January 20 - MSC Meeting - Committee Members and Trustees
  • January 27 - The Unitarians And The Universalists
  • January 27 - Membership Sunday & Reception Of New Church Members
  • January 27 - Trustees Meeting (7:00 PM - ???)