Many times discrimination is subtle and people are unaware that they are doing it. One of our goals is to help increase awareness and reduce discrimination in the church and our communities. Participants in the hour-long workshop beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 13, will explore the stages of understanding, learning goals, the process, participation guidelines, and some of the psychology behind stereotypes. We'll also discuss our assumptions concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people and talk of our fears and gains that we hope to make through the Welcoming Congregation process.
The Foxborough Universalist Church, a Unitarian Universalist congregation, is located at 6 Bird Street (on the common/Route 140); directions and additional information about the church, UUA, and "The Welcoming Congregation" can be found on-line via
Some Upcoming Events
- December 2 - Hanging Of The Greens
- December 2 - Trustees Meeting (7:00 PM - ???)
- December 6 - First Thursdays Peace Vigil (6:00 - 7:00 p.m.) - 1st Anniversary.
- December 9 - Hanukkah Lights
- December 16 - The Mystery of Christmas Past
- December 23 - Winter Solstice Play
- December 24 - Christmas Eve Worship Service at 5:30 p.m.
- December 30 - Poetry Sunday
- January 2 - Men's Group Meeting at Stoneforge (7:30 PM) Newcomers are welcome!
- January 3 - First Thursdays Peace Vigil (6:00 - 7:00 p.m.) Everyone is invited!
- January 6 - Sufi Spirituality
- January 6 - UU 101 (following Worship Service)
- January 10 - Women's Group Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
- January 13 - The Welcoming Congregation
- January 20 - Remembering Dr. King
- January 20 - MSC Meeting - Committee Members and Trustees
- January 27 - The Unitarians And The Universalists
- January 27 - Membership Sunday & Reception Of New Church Members
- January 27 - Trustees Meeting (7:00 PM - ???)