Chairman’s Ramblings
Here it is - April already! Most, if not all of us, are hoping that warmer weather is soon to be here. Maybe time to do some yard work, or fix-up projects, and, yes, let’s not forget the church work party.
It is also time to start the process of asking for volunteers for the Board Of Trustees for next year. Each year several members come off the board as required by our bylaws, which means we need to replace those positions to keep the church functioning. As with many other Unitarian Universalist traditions, each church is a fully independent organization, governed by its own bylaws, charting its own philosophical and spiritual path. Because of this independence, it is important for each of us to consider serving on the board for a period of time. We try to keep the workload to just a few hours or less per month, and have an enjoyable experience in the process.
So, when someone from the nominating committee asks - please seriously consider serving. Descriptions of the board positions and duties are available at anytime.
Worship In April
April 5: “Your Life: Just in Time”
by Worship Leader Neda
Years ago Toyota revamped the way the car industry worked by ordering parts to the factory Just In Time rather than maintain large inventories, Just in Case. How can this management philosophy, so effective in business, inform the way we manage our own lives?
April 12: Easter Service
by Katie Lawson, Minister
April 19: Earth Day Service
by Minister Katie Lawson and Worship Associate Leah
Wendell Berry once said we should spend as much time enjoying the environment as we do protecting it. What does protecting the natural world have to do with our spiritual health?
April 26: “The Courage To Teach”
by Minister Katie Lawson
Teaching is a spiritual practice. Katie explores the rich spiritual life offered to those who put themselves in a position to teach formally and informally.
Middle School Group Happenings
This past month the middle school group has continued their exploration of world religions. They have started, and will be continuing next month, a unit on Buddhism. They also had the unique opportunity to have Neda come in as a guest speaker and talk to them about Baha’i religion. After viewing some Baha’i symbols the group’s members had the opportunity to create their own religious symbols. Many thanks to Neda for taking the time to share her knowledge with the group.
Vote For Your Favorite Poster
Over 70,000 fifth grade classrooms participated in this year’s National Arbor Day Poster Contest. The 2009 theme, “Trees are Terrific… in Cities and Towns!”, was “designed to increase student’s understanding of the importance of trees in a community”. From March 30 - April 3, 2009, you can vote on-line for your favorite entry via
Aurelia Isabel Henry Reinhardt, Dorothea Lynde Dix, Deborah Webster Greeley, Charles Bliss Bowles, Maja Veronica Oktavec Capek, Chester Greenough Atkins, Rev. Samuel Willard, Daniel Chester French, Abigail Williams May, Winfred Overholser, Richard Bowditch Wigglesworth, & Mary Wollstonecraft.
Ride Our Trolley In The Founder’s Day Parade!!
On Founder’s Day, Saturday, June 13, our church will participate in Foxborough’s annual Founder’s Day celebration. In previous years we have participated by chartering a trolley to ride in the parade in the morning, and by offering guided historical trolley tours of the town in the afternoon.
This year we are going to try something a bit different - we are going to tailor the tour to school aged children. Our very own Katie Lawson has generously offered to be our tour guide this year. With Katie’s energy and our new focus on families, I think this will definitely be an exciting year for this Founder’s Day tradition.
Look forward to seeing you on Founder’s Day!
Some Upcoming Events
* Apr. 1: (7:30 p.m.) Men’s Group Meeting at Pike’s Peak Mining Company (31 Hampshire Street, Mansfield, MA).
* Apr. 2: (6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) First Thursdays Peace Vigil at 6 Bird Street, Foxborough, MA.
* Apr. 5: (7:00 p.m.) Board Of Trustees Meeting at the church. All are welcome to attend.
* Apr. 13: (7:00 p.m.) Women’s Group Meeting.
International Engagement Database
The UUA’s International Resources Office (IRO) maintains a database of the many varieties of international engagement that Unitarian Universalist congregations are involved with. To date they have records from approximately 150 congregations in the database. Is our congregation one of them? If so, they’ld love to update our entry. If not, they’ld love to include information about our congregation’s international engagement. The IRO office can put congregations in contact with other congregations who are involved with similar international programs. More information is available via
May Yard Sale
Cleaning out your house or just have a few items you no longer need? Collect items to donate for our yard sale, which is tentatively scheduled for May 23. In addition to the yard sale, the public will be invited to view the photo exhibit which will be on display throughout May. Please contact Dick if you have any questions about the yard sale.
Belly Dance Karavan
“Belly Dance Goes To The Movies” is the theme of this year’s Belly Dance Karavan. This is Sumora’s fifth year coordinating the annual fundraising event for our church. All proceeds from the past two years have been earmarked for the Accessibility Improvements Fund ramp initiative. Help out on event night (Saturday, May 30, 2009) or come to see the graceful belly dancers put on a stunning, family-friendly show that’s sure to delight all! Please contact Susan to help or if you have any questions about the show.
Historical Trolley Tours
Take a fun ride on the trolley! Whether you help with the planning or during the parade, the tours afterward, or the clean-up, you can help make this fundraising effort a huge success. Please let Alison know if you’re interested in helping with this effort.
Partner Programs
If you are unable to find the book or item you want at a local store and are planning to use Amazon or Powell’s Bookstore instead, please consider doing it via our church web-site ( ). To help us out, you just need to turn your “cookies” to ‘on’ if they’re not already, go to, click the link to or, and then make your purchase. You must stay within the web page linked to from our web-site and leave your cookies on until the transaction is completed. Please contact Sharon if you have questions about using the partner programs.
Crossroads is the Children’s Center located on the first level of the church. It operates 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday during the public school year.
Building Rentals
Community members and groups are able to use the building or grounds for their events. Tell your families, friends, and neighbors about the events being held at church and using our fantastic spaces for their events! Please contact the Board Of Trustees in person, by phone at 508-543-4002 or via to schedule events at the church. First come, first served, so please plan accordingly.
Our church is a small but steadily growing church with big ideas about how it wants to better serve our community and the world. Thank you for considering all these opportunities to help us. Whether you’re able to experience the good work of our congregation directly or not, we know that you will feel great about the ways we are putting values you hold into action.
Listen To The Latest ‘UU World’
Audiorecordings of the articles in the latest UU World are now available. Award-winning audiobook actor Dick Hill reads articles from the Spring 2009 issue. The recordings can be listened to in most browsers or downloaded to your computer for playback using an .mp3 player. The audio version of UU World is produced in cooperation with the UUA Office of Accessibility Concerns. We welcome your feedback about this audio service. Write to On-line at
New Dollars, New Partners For Your Sacred Place
The New Dollars, New Partners training program, presented by Partners for sacred Places, is designed specifically for congregations with historic sacred places. It helps congregations build leadership; research and write a realistic and compelling case statement for funders, understand proven methods for reaching out to a wider community, and learn how to fund-raise effectively. The training consists of four interactive training sessions over a nine month period. In the sessions, participants from 8-15 congregations will learn with other congregations then return home to do their own planning with fellow congregants. The first workshop is scheduled for Saturday, May 9, 2009, at Trinity United Methodist Church in Providence. For more information about particpating in this progam, visit the Preseve Rhode Island web-site ( or contact Susanna Prull at 401-272-5101 or
Massachusetts Youth Legislative Action Day
UUSC is again cosponsoring the Massachusetts Youth Legislative Action Day with Promise The Children and First Church Boston. The event will take place on Tuesday, April 21, from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at First Church in Boston, 66 Marlborough Street, Boston. It will feature a discussion of issues and how to lobby for them, a meeting at the State House with legislators and their aides, breakfast, lunch, and ice cream sundaes! It’s designed for youth (grade 6 and up) and their family, friends, and allies. One of the issues will include An Act to Promote Proper School Nutrition. To learn more about the event, visit the Promise The Children web-site (
April’s Action Of The Month
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is partnering with Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth (UUMFE) and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) to bring you April’s Action of the Month: Environmental Justice. Leading up to and during the month of April, we invite Unitarian Universalists (UUs) to engage in environmental justice - recognizing the disproportionate impact that both environmental problems and proposed “solutions” have had on women, low-income families, and communities of color both in the U.S. and around the world. Join UUs across the country as we work on a variety of consciousness-raising actions, culminating in Earth Sunday services on April 26. You can find suggested activities and other items related to this action such as “The Water Justice Praxis Study, Action, Reflection Guide”, an Earth Day Service worship packet, additional information about the 2006 AIW End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining, and more via
UUA Presidential Candidates Forum Video
Watch the video of the UUA Presidential candidates’ forum from the recent Women’s Convocation. You can view it at This is a good opportunity if you want to learn more about the presidential candidates, you’ll be making decisions regarding completing absentee ballots, you’ll be directing delegates how to vote at GA, or for congregation delegates going to GA undirected.
Ballou Channing District (BCD) 2009 Spring Conference & Annual Meeting
Join other UUs from our district for “Exploring Paths of Inspiration & Transformation” on Saturday, May 2, 2009. Unitarian Universalism encourages individuals to explore and find their path to discover meaningfulness, quench a “thrist”, find heart. “Come, Listen, Learn, Experience” with us at First Parish (Old Ship) in Hingham, MA. Rev. Jeffrey Symynkywicz will present “SPIRITS IN THE NIGHT: The Healing Ministry of Bruce Springsteen” during his keynote address. There will also be music (Springsteen, who else?), worship, the UU Network Mall, continental breakfast and lunch, networking opportunities, and workshops to learn about and engage in personal exploration of various paths for inspiration. The Annual Meeting will include reports about district operations, election of District officers and directors and the approval of the FY2010 budget. Deadline for pre-conference registration discount is April 29. Pre-conference registration fee is a sliding scale $22-30 (upon ability to pay.) Youth (under 18) registration is $7 (Fee includes break refreshments and lunch). At the door Conference fee is $40 for adults, $7 for youth. Call the District office at 508-559-6650 or e-mail to register.
Send A Love Letter To Salt Lake City!
Can you imagine a “Marriage is a Civil Right” banner waving over downtown Salt Lake City? This year, we have a unique opportunity to hang a three by ten foot marriage equality banner on the large tower of the Salt Palace Convention Center during General Assembly in June. In 2008, Utah residents donated $2.6 million - more than any other state outside California - to support the passage of Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California. Displaying our banner will send a strong message that we are standing on the side of love. $6,000.00 alone will make this advocacy event possible, but the Salt Palace will not reserve the space until payment is in hand. We aim to make the reservation by May 1, so the time to act is now. Gifts of $35 or more are especially helpful. Donations accepted on-line at
BCD “Looking Forward” Gatherings
A series of conversations for BCD congregation leaders, members, District staff and Board to discuss opportunities and challenges will be held during the next few months. “Looking Forward - Ministry to Youth” is scheduled for April 27, at Unitarian Universalist Society of Fairhaven. The second conversation, “Looking Forward - Young Adult Ministry”, will be held on May 4, at FirstParishChurch in Duxbury. “Looking Forward - Our Congregations’ Futures” is the final conversation of this series. It will be held on May 16, at First Parish Church in Taunton. Although the gatherings are free, we ask that you register by calling or e-mailing the BCD office at 508-559-6650 or
In The Community
Apr. 4, 6, & 25 - Events at the stadium; Apr. 7, 14, & 28 - Board Of Selectmen’s Meetings; Mondays - Belly Dance Classes at the church/6 Bird Street, Foxborough, MA (6:30 p.m.); Tuesdays - Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes at 6 Bird Street, Foxborough, MA (6:30 p.m.); Apr. 1: Renewable Energy Advisory Committee Meeting (6:00 p.m.); Apr. 2 - First Thursdays Peace Vigil at Foxborough Universalist Church, UUA (6:00 p.m.); Apr. 2 - Spring Concert: Symphony Orchesta, Concert Choir, and Concert Band at FHS (7:00 p.m.); Apr. 3 - Burrell Vendor Night (6:30 p.m.); Apr.3 & 4 - 7th & 8th Grade Drama Club’s “A Midsummer Night’s Western” at Ahern School; Apr. 3 - “Lhasa to Kathmandu, the Trip of a Lifetime” by Tony Gilby at Chapel Meeting House (7:00 p.m.); Apr. 4 - Spring Community Trails Cleanup Day at CRRA Nature & Walking Trail (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.); Apr. 4 - Lions bottle & can drive to benefit Cub Scout Pack 70; Apr. 4 & 5 - All Day MICCA Concert Festival at FHS including FHS Concert Bands, Symphony Orchestra, and Ahern 7th & 8th Grade Concert Bands; Apr. 4 - Third Degree at Outlaw BBQ (9:00 p.m.); Apr. 7 - CORE Turfsup Meeting at Boyden Library; Apr. 11 - Third Degree at The Ancient Mariner (9:00 p.m.); Apr. 14 - “Choral-palooza”:Grades 5-12 Choirs at FHS (6:30 p.m.); Apr. 16: Candidates Night on FCATV; April 17-19 - “Les Miserables - School Edition” at Orpheum theatre; Apr. 20-24 - FPS Vacation Week; Apr. 23 - Mr. Suspender performs at Boyden Library (2:00 p.m.); Apr. 25 - Gypsy Dance & Zills Workshops with Zaharah; Apr. 27 - Foxborough Historical Commission Meeting at 7:30 p.m.; Apr. 30 - Ahern Strings & FHS Symphony Orchestra at Ahern School (7:00 p.m.).