Friday, September 10, 2010

BEV: September 2010 Newsletter Highlights

Bird’s Eye View
Newsletter of Foxborough Universalist Church, Unitarian Universalist Association6 Bird Street * On The Common * Foxborough, MA 02035-2301 * 508-543-4002
Worship Service & Religious Education Classes, Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Katie Lawson, Minister * * All Are Welcome!
A UUA Welcoming Congregation

The Foxborough Universalist Church is a vibrant and caring congregation that
welcomes all. Our mission is to nurture each other along our spiritual paths
while working together for the betterment of our community and the world.

Minister’s Message
Dear Friends,
After being away for most of the summer, it was such a thrill to walk into the church on Monday night! New boards on the porch, reconstructed columns, a new paint job downstairs, the reassuring smell of cleaning fluid….The building itself feels loved thanks to the relentless effort of the property improvement team and all of you. It was only missing its guts: warm greetings in the entryway, voices raised in song, the rollicking play of children, the different sort of quiet that prevails when we are being silent together, and the tender exchanges of mutual care. It will feel truly complete when we are all gathered together in the pews.

This June, at the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly, I heard Unitarian Universalist Rebecca Parker reflect on the writings of 19th century Universalist theologian Hosea Ballou with profound intelligence and a real regard for the relevance of his message today. One of the things to which she referred was Universalism’s faith that “underneath are the everlasting arms.” This is what I felt as I walked into the church. I could feel the everlasting arms. Together we all embody these arms. We hold each other and are held in them.

This year may you all feel as loved as our dear building. May we all feel the unwavering embrace of everlasting arms. And above all, may we open that embrace to all that we encounter.

I can’t wait to see you on the 12th for the annual communion of waters!


Chairman’s Ramblings
Welcome Back, almost – well, welcome back Sunday, September 12, 2010. We have just had our August/September Board Of Trustees Meeting and have outlined some plans for the year.

Some things coming up:
* Our need for a Ministerial Search Committee to replace Katie (well, not really to replace Katie – she’s pretty much irreplaceable). Much of the Ministerial Search Committee information used last time should be suitable with updating.
* Next, we need to change the Bylaws to reflect where we are and where we’re going – to bring them up-to-date and to decide on an improved organization
* There is Katie’s Ordination – tentatively planned for mid-February.
* And, last, all of the ideas we need from you to help us serve your spiritual needs.
In Memoriam
Marjorie Erdman Roesch passed away on August 18. She was a church member who quickly jumped in to help at the yard sale. A memorial service will be held for Marjorie at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 11, at the Doolittle Home (16 Bird Street, Foxborough, Mass.). Our sympathy is extended to her family and friends.

Friendship Hour
Throughout the year, we need volunteers for Friendship Hour, a time for coffee, tea, water, light refreshments, and conversation after Worship Service and Religious Education classes. If you’ve never been in charge of coffee-time before or if you forgot how, there is a helpful hints/instruction guide located on-line via the Web site’s calendar page. You can also ask Ginger, the Membership Trustee, or someone who has hosted before about the details. Please sign-up on the bulletin board in the vestibule. If you see some new faces at church, please introduce yourself to them. Thanks in advance everyone!

Religious Education Happenings
On Sunday, September 12, 2010, the Foxborough Universalist Church, UUA, will be accepting registration forms to enroll your child/children in this year’s Religious Education (RE) Program.
Please contact the Religious Education Director at for further information about the RE program.

Choir Notes
Interested in the choir? Please contact Kris, the Music Director, or the Minister for details.

If you are a visitor, a newcomer, a newer member, or a long-time member of the church and would like to receive a copy of the monthly newsletter and/or join our e-reminder lists, please let the PR Committee know. The newsletter is available via e-mail and surface mail.

Also, if you have something you’ld like to have included, news to share, and/or want to write an article for our ongoing columns, please let us know and you’ll be added to the line-up!
First Thursdays Peace Vigils
Get involved in the ongoing Social Action project hosted from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at the church the first Thursday of every month. The First Thursdays Peace Vigils community would like you to join them; candles and signs are provided. Stay for as long or as short as your schedule allows. Upcoming dates: October 7, November 4, and December 2, 2010. Please visit to sign-up for the e-reminder list and find out more information about our ongoing peace work.

Some Upcoming Events
Dates and time subject to change so please check with the offices.
* Sept. 1 and Oct. 6: (7:30 p.m.) Men’s Group Meeting at Pike’s Peak Mining Company in Mansfield. Please contact Rick for details. Newcomers are welcome!
* Sept. 2 and Oct. 7: (6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.) First Thursdays Peace Vigil at the church. Area residents are invited to participate!
* Sept. 19: Worship Calendar Planning Meeting after Worship service.
* Sept. 24: (8:00 p.m.) Benefit concert for UU MassAction Network at First Parish in Framingham, Mass. Jim Scott, Fred Small, Dean Arvidson, Justine Sullivan, and Matt Meyer will perform!
* Sept. 25-26: “Watering Our Seeds of Joy” – All women are invited to Senexet House, Woodstock, CT, September 25-26, 2010, for a retreat on Watering Our Seeds of Joy – an invitation to participate in an interactive dialogue of women bringing spirit into everyday life. For more information contact
* Sept. 26: (11:15 a.m.) Special Business Meeting.
* Please visit, BCD In-Brief, the BCD and UUA e-mail lists,,, and the bulletin boards in the vestibule for more event listings and details.
* Contact to reserve the church for your wedding, ceremony, baby shower, bridal shower, group meeting, band rehearsal, recital, or other event. Payments are made through the Treasurer.
* Nov. 6: Doolitle Home Benefit Auction.
* Don’t forget to purchase products through our and Powell’s Book partner programs: click through the links on the church Web site home page ( and shop!

Summer Work Party
The summer work party was held in early July. Everyone worked very hard and it was hot and humid! The group of about twenty devoted church members and RE students tackled repairing the front porch and back steps, cleaning the kitchen, church office, and Sanctuary, weed whacking, greenery trimming, weeding and watering, and brush removal. Good progress was made to improve the inside and outside of the church. A special thanks goes out to Dave who organized and supervised the porch project!

Wayside Pulpit Rivers, ponds, lakes, and streams – they all
have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do – they
all contain truths. ~ Muhammad Ali

In The Community
Monday – Friday – Crossroads Children’s Center at the church (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.); Mondays – Belly Dance classes at the church (6:30 p.m.); Tuesdays – Yoga classes at the church (6:30 p.m.); Sept. 1, 4, 12, 25, & 26 – Games at the stadium; Sept. 4, 11, 18, 19, & 25 – Rock The Plaza free concerts at Patriot Place; Sept. 14 & 28 – Board Of Selectmen’s Meetings; Sept. 2 – First Thursdays Peace Vigil at this church (6:00 p.m.); Sept. 7 – First Day of School; Sept. 7 & 14 – Kids Club Storytime at CBS Scene (11:00 a.m./Free); Sept. 9 & 23 – Mass Cruisers Auto Club free Cruise Night at Patriot Place; Sept. 11 – McGinty Family Fun Day on the common (11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.); Sept. 16 – BIT Summer Raffle drawing (7:00 p.m.); Sept. 18 – Foxborough Music Association Bottle and Can Drive (9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.); Sept. 18 – Yardsale on the common to benefit Felines of Foxborough (10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.); Sept. 18 – Troy Bourne at The River Coffee House (7:30 p.m.); Sept. 25 – Taiko Thunderdrums at CRRA (7:00 p.m.); The Restocking The Shelves collection box is on the church’s second level – please contribute!

Weekly Belly Dance and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation For Women Classes
Starting the week of September 13, belly dancing and Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for Women classes will return to Foxborough Universalist Church, UUA. Both classes will be 8-week sessions. Awakening the Divine Feminine Through Belly Dance will be held Monday, 9/13-11/1/10 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Kundalini Yoga for Women will be held Tuesday, 9/14-11/2/10 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.

The instructor for both of these classes is Sumora, who has been a member of this church for 15 years. She is a Kundalini Research Institute Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor, is a member of the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association and has been teaching for 12 years. In addition, she has been belly dancing for 10 years and teaching for 5 years. She is a performer in many local shows and fundraisers, as well as producing fundraisers for the Foxborough Universalist Church for the past 6 years. She is the Coordinator of The Shimmy Sisters, *Belly Dancers Without Borders*, a MA/RI group of belly dancers which sponsors social events, workshops and does much in the way of community service by producing gala fundraising events on a yearly basis, most recently for Felines of Foxborough and CARE’s Fund for Haiti. Their next endeavor on November 13, 2010, is for The Magical Moon Foundation which will be held at the Ezekial Bates Masonic Lodge in Attleboro. You can reach Sumora at 508-561-4229 to register for class or with any questions you may have. Her Web site is at

Foxborough Never Forgets
Foxboro’ Never Forgets is leading the effort to create a monument to the victims of the terrorists attacks on September 11, 2001, and the many people that continue to serve to keep us safe, The group is currently selling T-shirts, bumper stickers, and raffle tickets. On the morning of September 11, 2010, Foxborough clubs, groups, and organizations will participate in town-wide community service projects; this will be followed by McGinty Family Fun Day activities from 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. on the common. All funds raised will go towards the McGinty Scholarship Fund and the monument which will be built at the Foxborough Public Safety Building on Chestnut Street. Visit for futher details.
September 2010 Holidays
1 Ecclesiastical Year begins – Orthodox Christian
2 Krishna Janmashtami – Hindu
6 Laylat al Kadr – Islam
8 Nativity of Mary – Christian
9-10 Rosh Hashanah – Jewish
10 Eid al Fitr – Islam
11 Ganesa Chaturthi – Hindu
12 Paryushana – Jain
14 Elevation of the Life Giving Cross – Holy Cross Day – Christian
18 Yom Kippur – Jewish
23-29 Sukkot – Jewish
22 Autumnal Equinox
22 Mabon – Wicca/Pagan Northern Hemisphere
29 Michael and All Angels – Christian
30 Shemini Atzeret – Jewish
General Assembly, A Meeting Of Congregations
During this year’s General Assembly (GA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA),delgates voted on and passed two Responsive Resolutions: 1. the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), a bill now in Congress that would prevent discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; and 2. UUs and UU congregations to focus on the development of youth and young adult ministry and the empowerment of our youth and young adults.

The delegates in Minneapolis voted in one Congregational Study/Action Items (CSAI): Immigration As A Moral Issue. This topic will be an integral part of the UUA Social Witness process until at least 2014. Five resolutions on urgent social issues, called ‘Actions of Immediate Witness’ (AIWs), were also voted on during the meeting.

Approved AIWs
* Clean Up the Clean Energy Bill
* Gulf Coast Environmental and Economic Justice
* Oppose Anti-Immigrant Measures

Failed AIWs
* End the Blockade of Gaza
* End the War in Iraq and Afghanistan

‘Green Revolution in Religion’, a Business Resolution submitted by the Ballou Channing District (BCD), was passed at the meeting. The resolution calls for UUA member congregations to reflect on the religious teachings and experiences that inspire Unitarian Universalists in our environmental related work. The resolution also requests that UUs make a special effort in the year 2011 to participate in the Association's continuing work for environmental justice, environmental stewardship, biodiversity protection, and environmental restoration.

News coverage from GA is available in UUWorld and on-line through Thirty events from General Assembly 2010 including worship services, plenary sessions, and talks are also available to watch on-line through (click on “2010 Event Coverage” link). The next General Assembly will be held June 22-26, 2011, in Charlotte, NC!
“You are my favorite kind of church”. ~ U.S. Senator Al
Franken at GA 2010
CUUPS Sermon Contest
The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) has introduced a Sermon Contest that is open to anyone who has given a sermon on a Pagan and/or Earth-centered Spirituality related topic at a UUA church between Nov. 1, 2009 and Oct. 31, 2010. They need a copy of your sermon in text form and a copy of it in audio form by October 31, 2010. After your sermon is received, their sermon panel (the Rev. Kendyl Gibbons and the Rev. Joan Van Becelaere) will listen to and read them – then pick four finalists.

In early 2011 the four finalists will be played – one a month – on the CUUPS Podcast. At the end of this, the winner will be chosen by an on-line vote of the podcast listeners! The contest winner will be announced at General Assembly in Charlotte, NC. Please visit for full details.

Social Action News
* Peace Ministry Network: The Peace Ministry Network is an independent outgrowth of the UUA Peacemaking Congregational Study/Action Issue (CSAI). For more information about this new volunteer network, please visit
* DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional: In July, a federal district court in Massachusetts ruled that critical portions of theDefense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violate the federal Constitution. The Respect for Marriage Act is currently pending in the House of Representatives. This bill would repeal DOMA and respect state marriages by providing federal protections for married same-sex couples.
* UUSC-UUA Joint Pakistan Flood Relief Fund: As of August 23, the Pakistani government estimates that 17.2 million people are affected by the floods – more than the Haiti earthquake, the 2005 South Asia earthquake, and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami combined. Flooding has destroyed 1.2 million homes and millions of acres of crops. The growing enormity of this humanitarian disaster has compelled Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) and the UUA to launch the UUSC-UUA Joint Pakistan Flood Relief Fund.
* Green Sanctuary Program News: Appalachia Rising will be held September 25-27, 2010, in Washington, DC. For more information, visit or
* is organizing a 10/10/10 Global Work Party to take a snapshot of a clean energy future. Visit for details and resources.
* Building Bridges For Civil Liberties: On Monday, August 9, UUSC and the UUA sent a letter to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg supporting the Islamic mosque and community center proposed for Lower Manhattan. Read the full letter via
* Additionally, in response to anti-Muslim hate speech and hate crimes of the past few weeks and the planned “International Burn A Koran Day” on September 11, Standing On The Side Of Love is encouraging those interested to sign up to host or attend a local event, rally, vigil, or worship service devoted to religious freedom, diversity, and tolerance on September 11.

Sunshine Committee
If you know anyone in our church family who is hospitalized, ill at home, in need of a helping hand, or otherwise could use some Sunshine, please let the Sunshine Committee (Lisette, Minister Katie Lawson, or Dick) know.

BCD Fall Conference
The 2010 Ballou Channing District (BCD) Fall Conference will be held on Saturday, October 30, at First Parish Church, 842 Tremont St, (Route 3A), in Duxbury, Mass. This conference will continue the examination started with the 2010 Spring Conference of the developing changes in demographics and religious interests and how it may affect our congregations into the future. The Keynote Presenter, Tandi Rogers, Pacific Northwest District Program Specialist, will discuss multigenerational and multii-cultural dynamics. There will be workshops on racial justice, the future of ministry, the role of family in faith formation, young adult ministry, and more. There will also be worship, music, and networking opportunities. Registration information will be available soon. For more information visit

Barton Ride For Diabetes
Ride your motorcycle from the Central Massachusetts Safety Council to Camp Joslin and enjoy a cookout at the end of your ride. The event begins at 12:00 p.m. on September 19, 2010, at Central Massachusetts Safety Council located at 186 West Boylston Street, Route 12, Wachusett Plaza, West Boylston, Mass., and ends at Camp Joslin in Charlton, Mass. Get registration information and more details via

* Oct. 2: (8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.) Family Diabetes Day: Balancing a Healthy Lifestyle with Type 1 Diabetes at UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, Mass.
September Worship Services
All services begin at 10:00 a.m. and are followed by a Friendship Hour.

Sept. 12: “We Shall Gather” – Annual Water Ceremony (Intergenerational)
Every year we celebrate the beginning of the church year after a summer away with the Communion of Waters. Don’t forget to bring your sample of water from your summer travels (or a symbolic stand-in).

Sept. 19: Whose Are You?
This week marked the end of the Days of Awe in the Jewish tradition during which believers seek atonement for the ways in which they have strayed from their holy path and begin anew. How do we seek atonement in our tradition? To whom do we reconcile ourselves?

Sept. 26: The Divine Is In The Details
One of the values of living in a church community is to remind ourselves that there are many ways to take care of business and to practice getting things done in our families, at our businesses, and in our other involvements in a way that is consistent with the values we hold most sovereign.