Newsletter of Foxborough Universalist Church, Unitarian Universalist Association
6 Bird Street * On The Common * Foxborough, MA 02035-2301 * 508-543-4002
Worship Service & Religious Education Classes, Sundays at 10:00 A.M.
Katie Lawson, Minister * * All Are Welcome!
A UUA Welcoming Congregation
The Foxborough Universalist Church is a vibrant and caring congregation that welcomes all. Our mission is to nurture each other along our spiritual paths while working together for the betterment of our community and the world.
Minister's Message
Dear Friends,
Last week, a group of us met after worship for a productive two hours of strategic planning. The goal of the day was to take the three categories of the strategic plans and their goals and to create a concrete plan for achieving those goals in the next three years. I was impressed by the level of enthusiasm and the creativity of people’s thinking. I was struck with how simple many of the ideas were and how they mostly involved an effort to get organized in a certain direction. It’s true that some of what we needed to talk about are what we might call “big ticket” items (making the building accessible, for one), but truly so much of it revolved around limited but focused attention: organizing a book group every now and then, creating a good format for an orientation meeting for newcomers, getting together eight people who could perform as a vocal ensemble once every two or three months…These are things that will not only bring us closer to reaching the goal of the strategic plan (to increase the church’s ability to fulfill its mission by growing our membership and our programming and to become more relevant in the community), but that will be enriching for those involved as well. I hope everyone will find at least a small way to become involved in the larger effort to take the church into its next phase.
Following through on any strategic plan requires commitment, focus, and patience, and I hope that we will all balance our ambitions for the church with enjoying the beautiful place it is currently. As we mobilize our efforts to complete the tasks decided upon last week, let’s also be present to the opportunities for fun, advocacy, and spiritual growth that present themselves along the way.
If you were unable to be a part of the strategic planning round-up, but have an idea that would help to accomplish one of the goals put forth in the basic description for the strategic plan, be sure to contact me or a Board member.
Chairman's Ramblings
Thank you to everyone who participated in the after church planning sessions. We are now putting these detail items together in a presentable format for all to review. Like any other long term plan, this is a 'living' document, meant to be reviewed at least once each year to measure progress, and add or delete items that seem appropriate and that fit current member objectives. Some churches do this at an annual retreat, some do it 'in-house' so to speak. Either way it provides a path forward to ensure a commonality of purpose and direction. As soon as the draft is ready, we will have it available for all to review.
This is the time of year when we ask you to consider becoming a member of the Board Of Trustees. As you know, it is this group that provides governance for the church. Each year several members end their term, requiring us to request people to fill the open positions. We have a nominating committee to help in this process, but any member of the Board would be willing to discuss the participation and commitment needed. Meetings are once a month for the whole Board, at members convenience, and an additional meeting may be needed for an active committee with a program to plan. There are no outside members from either the District or from the UUA headquarters, everything we do is done by us at the local level, so your input is important. Think about it, and be aware that a member of the nominating committee may approach you with a request to join The Board.
Don't Forget!!
The "Put-Your-Spirit-Into-Hymn" Hymnal Fundraiser And Contest is underway. Registration forms are available in the vestibule and should soon be returned to the box on the piano in the sanctuary. Judges will pick the winners after worship on April 11 and the winning hymns will be sung during worship the next week.
Belly Psychadelli
“Belly Psychadelli” is the theme of Sumora's 6th Annual Belly Dance Karavan on Saturday, May 22 at the church. Many beautiful dancers have already committed to performing in this year's show and it is shaping up to be a perfectly entertaining event. All the dancers donate their time and talents for this show and some travel from as far away as Lowell and Worcester to get here. For those of you unfamiliar with the beautiful, ancient, and spiritual art of belly dance, you might be surprised at what you see -- it is beautiful, sacred, and entertaining. Please mark your calendars and participate on show night to support these beautiful performers as well as the church: attend the stunning show as an audience member or help out behind the scenes! Please also help our fundraising efforts by inviting everyone you know to this family-friendly show. As in the past, ALL proceeds go towards the church's Accessibility Improvements Fund ramp initiative! If you would like to help out, please contact Sumora at Updates will be posted to Sumora's Web site ( and the church's Events Web site (
Walk For Hunger
Save the date for Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger on Sunday, May 2, 2010. With more people than ever struggling to put food on the table, it’s good to know there’s help close to home. The 20-mile Walk weaving through Boston, Brookline, Newton, Watertown, and Cambridge will include entertainment and free snacks and will help raise $4 million to fight hunger. Register, donate, and learn more at or call 617-723-5000.
Will You Be Silent?
On Friday, April 16, 2010, many schools and people across the nation will be observing the 14th "Day Of Silence” (DOS). What is the Day Of Silence? The Day Of Silence is a student-led day of action where those who support making anti-LGBT bias unacceptable in schools take a day-long vow of silence to recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment -- in effect, the silencing -- experienced by LGBT students and their allies. The National Day of Silence brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying, and harassment in schools. Hundreds of thousands of students are expected to participate on April 16, so that those who endure anti-LGBT bias will not be forgotten. For more information about the DOS, please visit
Standing On The Side Of Love News
SSL invites you to contact your members of Congress about the military's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy. While the Administration announced changes in the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy on March 25, unfortunately, it's still illegal to be gay or lesbian in the military. Current military policy bans bisexual, gay, and lesbian people from serving openly; the changes announced just make it a little safer in the closet. The President has expressed his commitment to repealing this harmful policy, and the military is already preparing to end it, but Congress must act on the issue. A new bill to repeal DADT has been introduced in the Senate. For details, please visit
April 2010 Holidays
1 Maundy Thursday - Christian
2 Good (Holy) Friday - All Christians
3 Holy Saturday - Christian
4 Easter - All Christians
5-6 Pesach (Passover) final two days - Jewish
11 Yom HaSho'ah - Jewish
14 Baisakhi - Sikh
19 Yom Ha'Atzmaut - Jewish
21 First Day of Ridvan - Baha'i
23 Saint George's Day - Christian
28-May 1 Theravadin New Year - Buddhist
29 Ninth Day of Ridvan - Baha'i
30 St. James the Great Day - Orthodox Christian
Wayside Pulpit
Nature never did betray the heart that loved her. ~ William Wordsworth
April's Global Chalice Lighting
In the name of compassion and loving-kindness :
Following the paths of Ibn Arabi, a Sufi master, we let our hearts dilate to enable them to fit all spiritual or existential kinds.
For those who seek, our hearts have become church, temple, synagogue, mosque, sanctuary;
stronghold for the poor, for those who are suffering, for minorities wherever they come from.
We believe in the religion of Love, which has no gender, and to which all personal stories are leading.
Because Love is our religion and our faith.
~ Yohann Amal
Conseil des Unitariens et Universalistes Français (CUUF)
Aurelia Isabel Henry Reinhardt, Deborah Webster Greeley, Dorothea Lynde Dix, Charles Bliss Bowles, Maja Veronica Oktavec Capek, Chester Greenough Atkins, Rev. Samuel Willard, Daniel Chester French, Winfred Overholser, Abigail Williams May, Richard Bowditch Wigglesworth, & Mary Wollstonecraft.
- In 1781, on April 22, Elhanan Winchester gave his first sermon publicly advocating Universal Restoration at Pennsylvania University.
If you're interested in some people that contributed to the Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist faiths, some biographies are available on-line at many locations including: the church Web site, the Harvard Square Library Web site, and the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society Web site. Harvard Square Library has recently expanded their focus on Notable American Unitarians ( to include Notable American Universalists ( The Dictionary of Unitarian and Universalist Biography is looking for volunteers to write short biographies about famous Unitarian Universalists in history and can be accessed via
UU Notable News
Harvard Square Library offers books to read for free on-line. Current books available include:
- "Sacred Service In Civic Space" by Kathleen R. Parker which celebrates the three hundred years of community ministry of Unitarian Universalism.
- (
"We Sing Of Life (with We Speak of Life)" edited by lifelong UU minister Vincent Silliman and in collaboration with composer and musicologist Irving Lowens. The book was designed especially for liberal religious education. (
We are still participating in this ongoing social action. As of March 19, the Fund has received donations totalling $1,728,344.68. If you would like to donate, please place your donation (in an envelope marked with "UUSC/UUA Haiti Fund") in the collection plate and/or contact our church Treasurer.
Transforming Our Prejudices - A Sensitivity Workshop
The Channing Church Interweave group will be hosting a Sensitivity Workshop from 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 3, at Channing Memorial Church (135 Pelham Street, Newport, RI). This workshop will give participants opportunities to do personal work on internalized and external oppressions as well as provide concrete ways to bring new learnings and tools into everyday life. If you are interested in attending, please contact Lee Whittaker at to let him know how many will be attending. You may pay the $10 fee at the door. Make checks payable to Channing Church with memo: Interweave Workshop.
ShelterBoxUSA Tent-A-Thon
From 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 11, children, youth, and adults of the Unitarian Church of Sharon will erect a "tent city" on the front lawn of the church. Each tent on the church lawn will represent $200 in pledges gathered by participants from Sharon, Foxborough, Mansfield, and Norwood. For more information visit For more information about this event, contact Louise Marcoux, Director of Religious Education, at 781-784-3652.
UU Holdeen India Program
The UUA International Resources Office released "UUHIP: Partners for Justice in India" an introduction to the Unitarian Universalist Association's Holdeen India Program. UUHIP supports the efforts of those peoples excluded or oppressed on the basis of gender, caste, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation, especially dalits (untouchables), adivasis (tribals), migrant, bonded and child laborers, domestic and home-based workers, and scavengers, helping them to participate fully in the social, economic, and political life of India. Available on-line for free at, the video features profiles of 5 Holdeen India Program partners as well as reflections by Program Director Kathy Sreedhar, former UUA President Rev. John Buehrens, and UU minister Rev. Abhi Janamanchi.
Ballou Channing District Annual Meeting
The BCD Annual Meeting on April 24 at First Unitarian Church of Providence will include reports about district operations; recognition of new and departing ministers and religious educators; election of District officers and directors, and the approval of the FY2011 budget. A Social Service Project will also be undertaken: an afternoon of work in the Brown University's community garden project to help prepare the beds for summer plantings. Participants should bring boots and gloves. Contact the District Office at 508-559-6650 or via if you have questions about the conference. Registration deadline is April 22, 2010.
April Worship Services
All services begin at 10:00 a.m. and are followed by a Friendship Hour.
Apr. 4: Easter
Apr. 11: Music Sunday
Come for a celebration of music including performances from members of the congregation. We will pause to reflect on the ways in which music speaks a different spiritual language and is often able to connect us to each other and to the holy in a totally unique way.
Apr. 18: Green Theology
Minister Katie Lawson explores the theological arguments for environmental protection.
Apr. 25: Inspiration Service
Join Rev. Patricia Hatch for a service that will lift your spirits and inspire you towards the life you want to live.
Other Notices And Events
- Apr. 1 and May 6: (6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) First Thursdays Peace Vigil at the church. Area residents are invited to participate!
- Apr. 7 and May 5: (7:30 p.m.) Men's Group Meeting at Pike's Peak Mining Company in Mansfield. Please contact Rick for details. Newcomers are welcome!
- Apr. 9: The Attleboro Area Council of Churches is hosting a benefit dinner, Hope on the Streets, to raise money to assist the homeless through their varied programs. Will be held at the Attleboro Elks and feature a presentation from Rev. Geralyn Wolf, the Episcopal Bishop of Providence.
- Apr. 11: (8:00 a.m.) Board Of Trustees Meeting at the church. All are welcome to attend.
- Apr. 28: (10:00 a.m.) UU Lobby Day begins at the UUA headquaters, 25 Beacon Street, in Boston.
- Please visit, BCD In-Brief, the BCD and UUA e-mail lists,, and the bulletin boards in the vestibule for more event listings and details.
- Contact rentals@ to reserve the church for your ceremony, meeting, or other event. Payments are made through the Treasurer.
- Don't forget to purchase products through our Amazon and Powell's Book partner programs: click through the links on the church Web site home page ( and shop!
Monday – Friday – Crossroads Children's Center at the church (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.); Mondays & Wednesdays – Belly Dance classes at the church (6:30 p.m.); Tuesdays – Yoga classes at the church (6:30 p.m.); Saturdays – Yoga classes at the church (9:30 a.m.); Apr. 3, 10, 22, & 24 – Events at the stadium; Apr. 13 & 27 - Board Of Selectmen's Meetings; Through Apr. 9 - Foxborough Reads; Apr. 8 - Norfolk Advocates for Children facility open house; Apr. 8 - Spring Concert at FHS; Apr. 9 – ImprovSoup at Burrell; Apr. 10 – Foxborough Lions Club Bottle & Can Drive; Apr. 10 - Community Trails Day at CRRA; Apr. 10 – Boy Scout Pasta Dinner Fundraiser at Bethany Church; Apr. 15 – Candidates Night; Apr. 16, 17, & 18 - "13 – The Musical" at Orpheum; Apr. 19-23 – FPS Vacation Week; Apr. 29 - Ahern Strings & FHS Symphony Orchestra at Ahern; The Restocking The Shelves collection box is on the church's second level – please contribute!
Summer Programs At Regional UU Camps
UUs looking for a "close-in" vacation may wish to check out the wide range of art, education, personal development, and music conferences and workshops as well as beaches and camps sites at the three New England conference and retreat centers.
- Ferry Beach in Saco on the coast of Southern Maine (
- Star Island within the Isles of Shoals off the New Hampshire coast (
- Rowe Camp and Conference Center in Rowe, MA in the Berkshire Mountains (
UUs across the continent are expanding Earth Day’s 40th anniversary on April 22, 2010 to last 40 days. How? By committing to large and small daily actions over the 40 days, for the sake of the Earth and all who live on it. Some UUs are even taking on-going lifestyle changes for a 40-day “test drive,” knowing that some aspects of global environmental justice begin with personal choice. When 40 people in one congregation make 40-day commitments, that congregation receives special acknowledgement from the UUA's Ethical Eating Core Team.. For more information about the campaign and available reseources, please visit
What will this look like in congregations? Use the resources at to kick off the 40/40/40 campaign in worship and religious education. Those who take the “40/40/40 Pledge” receive a sticker for their church nametag, helping to spread the word. Participants enjoy support and community building both in the local congregation (which might hold a potluck or a special environmental justice event), and also nationally, sending their stories to the 40/40/40 blog at At the conclusion of the 40 days, congregants gather to share stories—what they learned, what worked well and what did not, how their perspectives changed, and what comes next, as individuals and as a congregation.
Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries has a new website! Please visit and pass the word on about, where you will find information about DRUUMM, chat rooms, event registrations, and the means to connect to DRUUMM members across the continent.
IARF Congress
Being held in Kochi, India from Septemer 1-7, 2010, the 33rd Congress of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) will be a very special occasion for participants. The theme is “Beyond Conflict to Reconciliation: the Challenge of the 21st Century.” An international list of speakers includes: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Dr. Karan Singh, President of the Temple of Understanding, Ms. Asma Jahangir, UN Special Rapporteur on Religion or Belief from the United Nations, and Dr. Sheikh Ali, Muslim interfaith leader. Also, the International Association for Liberal Religious Women will be celebrating its 100th year with a special program for women.
The UUA has ten voting delegates so if you are interested in being one, contact the Rev. Eric Cherry at the International Resources Offi ce ( There will be important issues to vote on regarding the future of the organization. For more information on this special event, and to register, check out:
What Torture's Taught Me
Join the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) at 3:00 p.m. on April 11, at The First Church in Belmont as Bill Schulz presents his renowned talk, "What Torture's Taught Me". Bill is a former UUA President, former executive director of Amnesty International USA, and current interim president and CEO of UUSC. Bill Schulz first delivered this talk as the Berry Street Lecture at the 2006 Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly in Saint Louis, MO. Suitable for everyone high-school age and older, his lecture will focus on torture in a theological — versus political — context. Alfa Radford (First Church of Belmont's Minister of music) considers Bill to be one of the greatest speakers she has ever heard.
UUA Leadership Training Opportunities
- Join other UUs at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center in Highlands, NC, the first week of August to empower UU youth and adults who work with youth to be interfaith leaders in their congregation and community. Participants will explore religious pluralism and UU theology and history as related to interfaith work, share stories of faith and service, and participate in community building and outdoor activities. Registration, lodging, and meals are provided by the UUA. Participants are responsible for their own travel; limited travel scholarships are available. Apply at by May 1, 2010.
- Youth and Young Adults of Color aged 15–30 years old, are invited to come to Boston from August 13-17 for a Leadership Development Conference that will equip participants to be leaders in their local UU congregation or district, better understand racial/ethnic identity development, and foster inter-cultural collaboration and intentional relationship building. Conference registration is $200; travel and housing will be paid by the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Apply via by May 15, 2010.